About US

An ESD is a political subdivision of the State of Texas, like a city, a county or school district, responsible for providing fire and first responder services to a specific area. Since approved by the voters in that area, five emergency services commissioners were appointed by the Williamson County Commissioners’ Court to govern the District and protect the citizens of the ESD area. The ESD can levy a maximum tax of $0.10 per $100 dollars in property value (for a $150,000 property the maximum tax would be $150 per year) and is responsible for using the tax money collected to oversee and fund the development and/or improvement of emergency services in the district. This is necessary to fund the rising cost of emergency services. If you have any questions, concerns or comments please feel free to come to a regularly scheduled ESD meeting the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 6:00 pm

Andice Fire Station
Administrative Offices 
14955 RR 2338
Georgetown, Texas 78633
254-793-4200 fax